HIIT Logic

Category: Fitness


Prioritizing and Maintaining your Fitness During Summer

Prioritizing and Maintaining your Fitness During Summer As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, maintaining a consistent HIIT routine can become a challenge. The allure of outdoor activities, vacations, and social gatherings often compete with our fitness goals. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can prioritize going to the gym during

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The Importance of Core Strength for Overall Fitness

In the world of fitness, “core strength” is a buzzword that you hear frequently. But what exactly does it mean, and why is it so crucial for overall health and well-being? This blog will delve into the significance of core strength, its benefits, and how developing and maintaining a strong core can have a significant

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How to Select a High Quality Protein Powder

How to Select a High Quality Protein Powder In February’s blog we referenced protein shakes as a good option for post HIIT Logic recovery. While whole foods are generally preferred, protein powders can be a great tool for convenience and in general to aid in overall daily protein intake. With so many protein powders on

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How and When to Fuel your HIIT Logic Workout

How and When to Fuel your HIIT Logic Workout   One of the questions that our coaches get asked the most is, “What and when should I eat before and after my workout?”. Fueling your body properly before and after your HIIT Logic workout is crucial for maximizing performance, optimizing recovery, and achieving your fitness

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The Power of Strength Training in HIIT Workouts

The Power of Strength Training in HIIT Workouts   Strength training is a multifaceted and versatile form of exercise with a wide range of benefits. It’s not just about building bigger muscles or lifting heavier weights; it’s about enhancing your overall quality of life. From improved physical health and function to enhanced mental well-being, the

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The Healing Power of Exercise: Navigating Injuries with Fitness

The Healing Power of Exercise: Navigating Injuries with Fitness Injuries are a part of life, especially for those who lead an active lifestyle. Whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply someone who enjoys staying active, encountering an injury can be a frustrating and discouraging experience. However, it’s essential to understand that, in many

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The Power of Small Habits and the Ripple Effect of Consistency

The Power of Small Habits and the Ripple Effect of Consistency The power of small habits lies in their consistency. Imagine a pebble dropped into a still pond – the ripples it creates spread outward, affecting the entire surface. Similarly, the small habits we incorporate into our daily routines send ripples of positive influence throughout

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The Transformative Benefits of Restoring Hormone Levels in Men and Women

The Transformative Benefits of Restoring Hormone Levels in Men and Women Aging is a natural process that everyone goes through, and as we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes. One of the key factors responsible for these changes is the fluctuation of hormone levels. Hormones play a vital role in regulating various bodily functions and

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