HIIT Logic

Category: Fitness


The Benefits of Walking

The Benefits of Walking Walking is one of the most accessible and underrated forms of exercise, and it has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. From improving cardiovascular health to reducing stress and anxiety, walking is a simple yet effective way to boost your overall well-being. In this blog, we will discuss

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Electrolytes vs. Plain Water: Which is Better for Staying Hydrated?

Electrolytes vs Plain Water: Which is Better for Staying Hydrated? A topic of debate amongst health experts over the last several years has been electrolytes vs. plain water for hydration. Some people have argued that electrolyte-infused drinks are the key to optimal hydration, while others argue that plain water is all we need. In this

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What is NEAT and How does it Contribute to Your Overall Health?

What is NEAT and How does it Contribute to Your Overall Health? Everyone at HIIT Logic has their own reasons to workout. Whether it’s to sweat out the stress, have an hour to yourself, boost your mood, or socialize with your community, we can all agree that the work we put in day in and

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Sleep and Performance

Sleep and Performance Sleep is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle, and it plays a significant role in both physical and mental performance. Lack of sleep can lead to a range of negative effects on the body, including decreased cognitive function, impaired judgment, and reduced physical performance. How does sleep affect our ability to

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Hot and Cold: Sauna and Cold Plunge Therapy

Hot and Cold: Sauna and Cold Plunge Therapy If you’re interested in health and wellness you’ve likely heard the recent buzz around sauna sessions and cold plunge therapy. Is this a new fad or is this recent trend here to stay? What are the potential health benefits and is it worth incorporating into your recovery

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How to Maximize Benefits from your HIIT Workout

How to Maximize Benefits from your HIIT Workout Our coaches are often asked how our athletes can get the most out of their HIIT Logic workouts. When you are working so hard in the gym, it’s natural to want to maximize your benefits which can include increased strength and energy, body composition changes, and overall

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Rest Vs. Recovery

Rest vs. Recovery Rest and recovery are an important part of your fitness regime. But the two terms are not synonymous to each other. While resting is important to give your muscles a break, recovery helps in preventing sore muscles, cramping and other symptoms that you might feel after an intense workout. What is the

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How and Why to Start a HIIT Workout Journal

How and Why to Start a HIIT Workout Journal Whether you’ve been a member with HIIT Logic since our inception or have recently joined us at Bend West, starting and keeping a log of your workouts can keep you motivated and help you reach your goals. While you may see some recurrent movements, HIIT Logic

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The Importance of Hydration and its Effect on Performance

The Importance of Hydration and its Effect on Performance It’s common knowledge that proper hydration is important for our overall health and wellbeing; if we’re dehydrated, our body will not perform at optimal levels. We also all know the easiest ways to tell if we’re dehydrated– little or no urine, darker urine, dry mouth, headaches,

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Summertime Health and Wellness

Summertime Health and Wellness As the weather heats up, vacations begin, and kids are home from school, it’s easy to let excuses take over and for life to distract from your dedication to regular exercise and personal wellness. Make it a priority to be proactive, focus on overall health, and utilize these tips to develop

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