HIIT Logic

Category: Fitness


High Intensity Interval Training to Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Exercise has long been shown to have tremendous health benefits for individuals living with Type 2 diabetes. Some experts suggest the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exceed those of low or moderate-intensity continuous exercise. HIIT involves short bouts of exercise with the goal of maintaining a near-maximal heart rate, followed by brief periods of decreased activity

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EPOC is the larger volume of oxygen consumed during the minutes immediately after exercise ceases compared to what your body would normally consume at rest.  Hey! Climb really fast up those several flights of stairs and experience the consequence of rapid pulse and breathing hard;  EPOC.  Your body is physiologically adjusting to support the larger

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18 Reasons on Why Kettlebells????

It’s clear that kettlebells have become a staple training tool for the entire fitness industry. From HIIT Logic athletes, pro athletes to traditional weightlifters, everyone is using them… However, there are still some people, potentially yourself included, who are skeptical about whether they should incorporate kettlebells into their training plan. Well, if you have any doubt,

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Are You a Sedentary Athlete?

  Are You a Sedentary Athlete? Even if you exercise regularly, you could be living a couch-potato lifestyle What kind of an athlete are you? Most people who participate in competitive amateur athletic events, such as running races, triathlons, century rides, or strength-training competitions spend at least an hour exercising most days of the week.

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  REASONS TO MODIFY EXERCISES If you’re not using modifications to your advantage, you’re seriously missing out. Exercise modifications are your new best friend. Every person is different and has different anatomy, injuries, and fitness levels. Smart modifications can mean the difference between always being injured and a consistent healthy fitness program. WHAT ARE EXERCISE

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Benefits of Burpees

Burpees are an incredible bodyweight exercise with a variety of benefits. Here are a few reasons why we love them:   Engages the Entire Body Exercises that isolate a muscle group (bicep curls, tricep pull-downs, crunches, etc.) have their own time and place. However, movements that require many muscles and joints to work together are

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Benefits of the Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing Benefits What’s so great about the kettlebell swing?  Well, the number of benefits are surprising… Everyone should incorporate the kettlebell into their exercise program because: 1) It’s a very efficient full body exercise.   The kettlebell swing hits almost everything in your body.  It’s a total body movement with just one exercise! Which

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7 Benefits of HIIT

  Are you getting the most from your workouts? Are you getting results you can see? Try HIIT! You’ve heard of HIIT, but why should you integrate it into your workout routine 2-3 times a week? For a quick refresher, High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a research-backed training system that alternates between high-intensity efforts

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Adjusting to a Pandemic feat Katie Cruz

How does the fitness industry adjust to the current Covid-19 pandemic? Katie Cruz, co-owner of HIIT Logic discusses how HIIT logic adapted to provide the highest quality workouts during this time.

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