HIIT Logic

Summertime Health and Wellness

Summertime Health and Wellness

As the weather heats up, vacations begin, and kids are home from school, it’s easy to let excuses take over and for life to distract from your dedication to regular exercise and personal wellness. Make it a priority to be proactive, focus on overall health, and utilize these tips to develop a plan that can adapt to a more flexible Summer schedule. 

1.Participate in HIIT @ Home

Remember that HIIT @ Home can be done anywhere that you have access to Facebook! You can participate with the class live, or anytime later that day. If you are an unlimited member, HIIT @ Home is included in your membership and is posted to the HIIT Logic and Cycle HIIT member page each day. If you aren’t currently on the page, send a request hereAll of our HIIT @ Home workouts can be done without equipment, and each weighted movement is accompanied with an option for your home workout. Pictured above are some of our members working out while on vacation at the coast. EASY WORK!

2. All movement is good movement

It’s easy to get down on yourself when there is a span of days that you aren’t able to make it into the studio. Instead of having the all or nothing attitude, shift your focus toward the things you were able to do as a result of your hard work you put in at the gym. According to the National Association of Sports Medicine, “NEAT (Non-exercise) Activity Thermogenesis, is the energy expended for everything we do that does not include sleeping, eating, or exercise; and ranges from simple things like standing and fidgeting to moving about.” Focus on the movement you are able to get in each day rather than what you didn’t do or what you could’ve done. Keeping a glass half full approach will always get you closer to your goals. 

3. Take care of yourself – holistically

In order to perform at your highest level in all aspects of life, it’s important to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. If one aspect of your life is unbalanced, it will affect every other area and might just be the reason why you’re not reaching your goals. Take time to sit with yourself, find personal shortcomings and potential vices, and work to address them. Reconnect with old hobbies, take time to learn something new, or do simple, everyday things that make you happy.

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