HIIT Logic

The HIIT Logic 7 and Functional Fitness

The HIIT Logic 7 and Functional Fitness

Have you ever thought about the movements we do at HIIT Logic and why they are programmed? Every exercise performed contains movements that we do naturally in everyday life. We do these movements because they are functional– whether it’s getting up off the floor, carrying a heavy object or putting something up on the shelf, HIIT Logic is here to supplement your life by preparing your body for real-life movements and activities.

Before the modern era, ancient humans hunted and gathered to survive. If they weren’t fast enough to catch prey or strong enough to yield weapons, humans wouldn’t have evolved to where we are today. Have you ever heard of the term “survival of the fittest”? Our bodies adapted to our environment and what we needed to do to survive. By training for functional fitness, you are training your body the way it was designed to be used.

To stay true to this, all of our exercises are based on a foundation of functional fitness that we call the “HIIT Logic 7”. The HIIT Logic 7 includes the following movements:

  1. Squat (air squats, jumping squats, goblet squats)
  2. Pull (dumbbell rows, snatch, rower)
  3. Push (push-ups, bike, push press)
  4. Hinge (deadlift, KB swings)
  5. Lunge (weighted lunges, devils lunge)
  6. Twist (twists, twisting spiderman planks)
  7. Gait (running, farmers carry)

When done with proper form, these movements can help decrease your risk of injury. When you go to pick up your kids, lift a bag of soil, or squat down to pick up a bag of groceries, you will be more likely to recruit the muscles that you use at HIIT Logic. In addition, because all of our exercises are based on these foundational movements, we are able to modify any exercise and simplify it to ensure that each member is getting the same benefits.

HIIT Logic’s programming is done with intention and purpose. Our goal is to keep you moving confidently, strongly and safely so that you can take on life!


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