HIIT Logic

What is NEAT and How does it Contribute to Your Overall Health?

What is NEAT and How does it Contribute to Your Overall Health?

Everyone at HIIT Logic has their own reasons to workout. Whether it’s to sweat out the stress, have an hour to yourself, boost your mood, or socialize with your community, we can all agree that the work we put in day in and day out benefits our activities outside of the gym. Whether it be rock climbing, cycling, hiking, fly fishing, or walking, each of these activities contribute to our daily caloric expenditure. How does our additional movement throughout the day impact our overall health?

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) refers to the energy expended during all daily activities that are not considered deliberate exercise, such as standing, walking, and general movement. NEAT was first introduced by Dr. James Levine in 1999, who discovered that some people burned up to 2,000 more calories per day than others despite similar activity levels. Levine found that this discrepancy was due to the amount of NEAT in each person’s daily routine.

NEAT is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle as it accounts for a significant amount of daily energy expenditure. Research shows that even small increases in NEAT can lead to body composition changes and improve overall health.

As the weather gets warmer, it’s easier to feel motivated to spend additional time outside! Here are several ways to increase NEAT throughout your day:

  1. Stand more: Instead of sitting at your desk all day, try standing. You can invest in a standing desk, or simply stand up and move around for a few minutes every hour.
  2. Walk more: Track your steps and set a goal for a number of steps that you can reach each day. Instead of driving, try walking to your destination whenever possible. Even if you’re parking furthest from the entrance at the grocery store, or walking a few blocks, those extra steps will add up over time.
  3. Do household chores: Cleaning, spring gardening, and other household chores can be great ways to burn calories and increase NEAT.
  4. Play with your kids or pets: Playing with your kids or pets can be a fun way to increase NEAT. Whether it’s tossing a ball or playing tag, you’ll be burning additional calories without even realizing it.
  5. Incorporate stretching: In addition to movement, it will benefit your HIIT routine!

In conclusion, increasing NEAT is an effective way to burn more calories and improve overall health. By incorporating more movement into daily tasks, and taking frequent breaks, you can increase energy expenditure and improve your overall health. Remember, small changes can add up to a big impact over time.

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